1. Artist Statement

Why I Create

Creating art is my solace—it makes me feel good and helps me process the anxieties I feel about the darker aspects of the world. Through my art, I express my concerns and send a message to others, though I aim to do so in a subtle and clever way.

Why I Create

I create because it brings me joy and provides a powerful outlet for expressing my emotions, especially my anxiety about the darker aspects of the world. Through my art, I communicate my concerns and hopes in a way that is subtle yet impactful.

My chld was my muse and my greatest inspiration. As a parent, I often find myself reflecting on the state of the world and asking, "What can I do to make it better?" My art is an expression of my love for Angel and the world I dream of for her—a world filled with hope, beauty, and harmony.

One of my key projects, #SaveMyCoast, serves as a poignant visual reminder of the catastrophic impact an oil spill can have. We’ve already endured several spills, and this project aims to highlight the urgency of preventing another disaster.

What makes this project unique is the way it flows through multiple creative mediums, forming its own kind of sacred geometry:
Idea → Photo → Print → Painting → Video → Blog → Tweet → Facebook → Google+ → LinkedIn → Repeat.

At the heart of this project is a photo I took of Angel of my child playing peacefully on a beach. That serene moment was transformed into an oil painting on canvas, which was then digitized and “enhanced” to appear as though it were coated in oil—an intentional oxymoron.

This layering of artistic forms carries a deeper message. Oil and water don’t mix—it’s common sense, a basic law of nature. Yet somehow, we’ve forgotten this truth. Through my art, I aim to visually remind my audience of this reality in the most subtle yet profound way I can.

Update (Feb 13): The project has been renamed from #SaveOurCoast to #SaveMyCoast to reflect the personal connection and responsibility we all share in protecting our environment.